Monday, January 2, 2012

black friday night!

Sorry black Friday was a long time ago but oh well!

               I went to Target in Utah on black friday... midnight. with my Nanny, Lily, and my uncle Andy.
          If you know the song "last friday night" by Katy Perry... this is a perody me and Lily made up...    

    There's a person pushing me, There's a 50$ t.v. Deals are all over the store, Nike free runs on the floor.
     It was like a rat stampede, cops are walking over me. I phones on the clearance rack, this a massager for my back? Cd's of Bieber ended up in my cart, I'm toast. It's a crowed room and i think I'm claustrophobic. Blah! Black Friday night, there was a super long line that stretched across to Game Stop.
Think i might of saved a lot,. Black Friday night, yeah i think I'm kind of sick, Got a Popsicle to lick. Had to fight over a doll. Black Friday night! There was a super long line that stretched across to Game Stop. think i might of saved a lot Black Friday night!


melanie said...

i've never been black friday shopping before....

Nikki said...

haha like the song you made up. never been either and won't be able to ever.